What are Presenter Settings and how do I use them?

The Presenter Settings button allows the host of the room to manage presentations. From this setting, you can select presenters on the fly as well as change how the presenter interacts with the audience in your Audience Settings.

Presenter Settings


From your Presentation settings, you can select Audience Settings or Manage Presenters.


Your Audience Settings allow you to change the audience mode that your presentation is using. This will set the way the presenter interacts with your audience.

To find out more about Audience Settings and how to best optimize audio during team meetings and more, check out this help article.


Managing Presenters

Managing Presenters allows the host of a room to seamlessly call on new presenters to join in panel discussions, screen sharing sessions, and more. You can stream presentations to one room or all connected rooms. Click on the Manage Presenters button in your Presenter settings to access this tab. 

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For more information on how to manage your presentations, check out this help article!